Nationality: Portuguese
Languages: Portuguese Native, English fluent, French fluent, Spanish fluent
Accents: US Standard, French, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian
Age range: 24-34
Height: 177 cm
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Voice: Husky, Deep
Voice Character: Contralto
Appearance: Feminine
Location: Lisbon
Skills: Sports: Tennis, Running, Dancing (Standard dance) Singing, Voice-over, Juggling
License: B (Car, both with shift gear and automatic)
movie | tv | theatre
2023 Entrelinhas (Between Lines)
Short film - directed by João Severo | Ana - Leading part
2023 Que o Tempo Passe Rápido (Times flies)
Short film - directed by Mariana Fernandes | Marina - Leading part
2022 False Front
Feature film - directed by Alastair Railton | Olivia - Supporting actor
2022 Rain, Rain Go Away
Short film - directed by Sebastiano Pupino | Clari - Leading part
2022 Gone But Not Forgotten
Short film - directed by Jack Peter Mundy | Charlotte - Supporting actor
2022 O Fim (The End)
Short film - directed by André Bento | Ana - Leading part
2021 Rapariga com um Espelho (Girl with a Mirror)
Short film - directed by Nuno Dias | Vitória - Leading part
2021 Maniae
Short film - directed by Henrique Leones | Joana - Supporting lead
2019 I Wonder if She Smiles - BBC Scotland
Short film - directed by Sean Mclnally |Mother - Supporting actor
tv selection
2021 - The Crown (Season 5) - Netflix
TV Series - directed by Alex Gabassi | Ritz Manager - Day role
Theatre Selection
2023 École des Maîtres - A Midsummer Night's Dream by W.Shakespeare
European Theatre Project directed by Marcial Di Fonzo Bo | Titania/Helena- Leads
2021 Electra by Mo Korede - Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, London
Drama - directed by Mo Korede | Chrysothemis - Co-lead
2019 Blue Stockings by Jessica Swale
Drama - directed by Becky Hope Palmer | Carolyn - Supporting lead
2018 Peter Pan by J.M Barrie/Stuart Paterson
Christmas Show - directed by Hugh Hodgart | Captain Hook - Co-lead
2018 Attempts on her Life by Martin Crimp
Drama - directed by Guy Hollands | Speaker - Supporting actor
2018 Twelfth Night by W.Shakespeare
Comedy - directed by Andrew McGregor | Maria - Supporting actor
2018 The Pleasure Principle by Sorcha Kennedy
Experimental- directed by Sorcha Kennedy | Cassandra - Supporting actor
2017 Balm in Gilead by Lanford Wilson
Drama - directed by Mark Thomson | Bonnie - Supporting actor
2017 Hot L Baltimore by Lanford Wilson
Drama - directed by John Kazek | April Green - Supporting actor
2017 Vassa Zheleznova by Maxim Gorky
Drama - directed by Katya Kamotskaia | Anna - Co-lead
T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM