@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa

@Jeanne Degraa





@Paul Zimmer





Nationalities: Italian
Height: (170 cm)
Playing Age: 38 - 50
Appearance: Caucasia, European, Mediterranean
Eye Colour : dark brown
Hair Colour: light brown
Hair Length: long
Voice: strong
Voice Character: warm
Location: Berlin, Rome, Milan
Others: B (Car)
2023 Decent People
Short Film, directed by G.Nodari and S.Cannarozzi/indie Production/ S. Martinoni
2023 Next Time
Feature Film, directed by Emily Manthey/ Manthey Production/ Frau Schick
2022 The Gallery
Short Film, directed by Silvia Cannarozzi/indie Production/ Luisa
2020 Für Eine Nacht
Short Film, directed by Silvia Cannarozzi/ Kessfilm / Caterina
2018 Farta
Short Film, directed by Silvia Cannarozzi DBS FILM | Judge Bonaldi
2017 Unexpected Monsters
Short Film, directed by Sophia Elizabeth Tamaro| Löwenstroh Productions | Carla Conti
2016 Berlin Rhapsody
Feature, directed by Stefano Garrone| S.G. Production |Sara
2007 7 Km da Gerusalemme
Feature Film, directed by Claudio Malaponti | Rai Cinema |Francesca
2006 The insignificant other
Feature Film, directed by Nail Chiodo | Sooth Production
2002 Spine
Short Film, directed by Loredan Longo | Catania Production
1999 Una canna con Goldrake
Feature Film, directed by Giuseppe Gandini| Il Grido
1997 Altri Uomini
Feature, directed by Claudio Bonivento | Dean Film
1996 Quando le ombre si allungano
Feature, directed by Francesco Ballo| F. B. Production | Angela
1995 Fatal Frames
Feature, directed by Al Festa | Sail Production srl
1994 Perdiamoci di vista
Feature Film, directed by Carlo Verdone| Cecchi Gori EE
2022 Another Monday
TV Series, directed by Esther Bialas- Nathan Nill / Constantin TV- ZDF/ Marzia
2021 Comedy Central
TV show, directed by Flavio Yuri Rigamonti/ Stark Film / Amalia Mascheroni
2019 Spätzle Arrabbiata
6 part tv series, directed: by Peter Evers / Polyphon Pictures | Gina Rossi
2010 Notte prima degli esami
TV Movie, directed by: Elisabetta Marchetti | Rai Fiction
2010 Cesaroni
TV Series, directed by F. Vicari/D. Trillo| Publispei RTI
2006 Nati Ieri
TV Series, directed by: Miniero e Genovese | Mediaset RTI
2005 John Paul II
TV Movie, directed by: J. Kent Harrison| Lux Vide/ Rai Fiction
2005 Cantieri navali
TV Movie, directed by: Vincenzo Verdecchi |Kios / Rai Fiction
2004 Don Matteo
TV Series, directed by: Andrea Barzini|Lux Vide/ Rai Fiction |Olga
2001 Incantesimo 4
TV Series, directed by: Alessandro Cane/Lucio Castellani| DAP/ Rai 1 |Grazella Sarti
1999 Nebbia in Val Padana
TV Series, directed by Felice Farina | Alto Verbano
1999 Die Strasse von Berlin
TV Series, directed by: Walter Meisten | ZDF
1998 A due passi dal cielo
TV Movie, directed by: Stefano Martino | Devon Film/ Rai Fiction
1997 La vita che verra`
TV Movie, directed by: Pasquale Pozzessere | Rai Fiction
1995 Storia di una Ragazza
TV Movie, directed by: J.M. Sanchez | Rai Fiction
2010 King Cymbelin
Teatro Colosseo, Rome, Director: Imogen Kusch
2005 American Allegories ( to buy or not to buy)
Teatro Colosseo, Rome, Director:Gaby Ford
2004 American Allegories (moments of madness)
Teatro Colosseo, Rome, Director:Gaby Ford
2000 As you like it
Italian turnee`, Director: Imogen Kusch |Phoebe
1996 Antigone
Teatro Delle Erbe, Milano, Director: Alberto Ferrari | Euridice
1995 Spirito Allegro
Teatro Delle Erbe, Milano, Director: Walter Sabino
2006 Workshop with Elizabeth Kemp, Rome
1995 Workshop with Dominque De Fazio, Milan
1994 Workshop with Dominque De Fazio, Milan
1993 Graduated at CENTRO TEATRO ATTIVO, Milan
creating handmade furniture, writing,
Italian (mother tongue), German (fluent), English (fluent), French (good),
Different Italian accents ( Sicilian, roman, Milanese)
Guitar (basic), Improvisation dance
Swimming ( good), Skiing ( very good), Tennis ( basic)
Dubbing and Speaker ( Italian)
Cell +49 172 30 88868 |T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM