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Age range: 36-42

Height: 178 cm

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Dark Blond

Voice: Alto

Voice Character: Smoky/ Natural

Appearance:​ Athletic

Location: Berlin 

2nd Location  Detroit, Chicago and NYC.

License: yes

Languages: English (native), German (fluent), French (basic), Danish (basic), Dutch (basic)

Native Tongue: English

Accents & Dialects

Accents: American-Standard, Midwest, East Coast, New York, Southern; Canadian; German; Ukrainian/Slang


Public speaking & hosting, Teleprompter Reading, Precision Driver/Core Stunts Division (Michigan Driver’s License), Photography, Painting, Cooking, TV Reporting, Writing, Directing, Poetry

Sports: American Football, Competitive Swimming, Synchronized Swimming, Diving, Fencing, Triathlete, Riding (English Saddle), Volleyball, Skating, Dance, Weight Lifting, Running, Yoga, Hiking 

Music: Musical Theater, Alto

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TV | Movie | theatre  


2021 Keep Your Head Up, Sweetpea!  

Personae Entertainment Pictures Film - directed by Sophie Meissner| Ms Lowell - Lead Supporting 

2020  Darcy 

Personae Entertainment Pictures  Film - directed by Jon Russell Cring / Eli Meissner | Toni - Lead Supporting 

2015 Unfinished Business

New Regency - directed by Ken Scott | German Car Rental Rep

2018 Marcy 

Freudenberger Film - directed by Daniel Freudenberger  | Viola Scalito -  Supporting

2016  Thirsty 

Thin Edge Films - directed by Margo Pelletier | Carol - Supporting

2016 Hobo Heyseus 

Extraordinary  film - directed by Jon Russell Cring | Florence - Supporting

2014 The Better Angels

Brothers K Productions - directed by A.J. Edwards  | Young Abe Lincoln’s Neighbor - Supporting

2015 Behind the Mirror 

Cyprian Film - directed by Minos Papas | Linda Telford - Supporting


non-fiction selection

2018  Escape at Dannemora 

TV Series 1 episode - directed by Ben Stiller | Reporter - Supporting

2014 Katie Forde: A Part of You 

ZDF Summer Series A Part of You - directed by Helmut Metzger |Mrs. Philips - Supporting

1998 The Journal 

TV Show, DW-TV News Reporter  - Covering the Red Carpet at the Berlinale Intl. Film Festival

1998  Germany Today  

TV Show, DW-TV News Reporter - Covering the Red Carpet at the Berlinale Intl. Film Festival

1997 The Journal 

TV Show, DW-TV  News Reporter  - Covering the Red Carpet at the Berlinale Intl. Film Festival

1997 Germany Today 

 TV Show, DW-TV News Reporter - Covering the Red Carpet at the Berlinale Intl. Film Festival

1997 Germany Today  

TV Show, DW-TV News Reporter - Field Reporter / Trip around Germany

1997 The Journal 

TV Show, DW-TV Weather Presenter  - English Weather Report

1996 The Journal 

TV Show, DW-TV Weather Presenter  - English Weather Report

theatre selection 


2020 American Women’s Club, Hamburg 

The Vagina Monologues - directed by Jennifer Lane|Ensemble Member

2020 Theatre Voices, Albany

Rabbit Hole - directed by John Romeo|Izzy

2011  Linda Performing Arts Studio 

The Guys - directed by Eli Meissner|Joan

2011 Stageworks Hudson

Hudson  The Play’s the Thing (Short Play Fest) - directed by Laura Margolis|Ensemble Member

2010 Hubbard Hall

Cambridge, NY   All My Sons - directed by |Sue

2009 Studio Theatre at SUNY

 Albany  March for Women - directed by |Lead Solo

2006 boxes at Planet Ant

Hamtramck, MI  Tales of Motherhood - directed by Eli Meissner |Ensemble Lead

2005 Purple Rose Theatre

Chelsea, MI  Honus & Me - directed by Guy Sanville |Miss Young

2004 Shakespeare in the Arb

Ann Arbor, MI  Midsummer Night’s Dream - directed by Kate Mendeloff |Titania

2004 Players Guild of Dearborn

Dearborn, MI  Proof - directed by Allan Ellias |Claire

2002 Workshop Theatre Company

NYC  Angry Jello Bubbles - directed by Eva Minemar|Lead 

2002 T. Schreiber Studio

NYC  Prelude to a Kiss - directed by Glenn Krutoff|Ensemble Member

1996 English Theater Berlin

Berlin  Soap Opera  |Lucy

1996 English Theater Berlin

Berlin  Naomi in the Living Room - directed by Heidi Philipsen |Joan 


2018 Visiting Angels  

Tully Productions - directed by Roger Tully  |  Caregiver - Lead Supporting

2012 National Running Training Video                                              

Shenise Productions - directed by Bob Shenise  |   On-Camera Host/Presenter    

2012 Critical Thinking Challenge Medical Training Industrial                                                            Aurora Studios  |  Dr. Philps    

2012 Critical Thinking Challenge                                                                                                               Aurora Studios |  Karen    

2012 Critical Thinking Challenge                                                                                                  

Aurora Studios | Registered Nurse     

2012 Chevy Volt Promo                                                                   

Event Link  | Chevy National Tour Promotional Presenter         



voice over

2023 Breaking Glass

Die Kiste GmbH - directed by Nicholas Bori - BONNIE (LEAD) – ADR VOICE (English

1996 - 2000 DW-TV Berlin

Multiple Voice-over projects for The Journal & Germany Today worldwide TV programming


Milton Justice Stella Adler Workshop, Schott Acting Studio Berlin/SAG Foundation Don LaFontaine Voiceover Lab (LA) / SAG Foundation Actor’s Social Media Basics / Film Audition Technique with Nancy Bishop, Caprice Crawford, Jo Monteria, Fest Film Lab, Lisbon, Portugal; Advanced Scene Study with Sandra Seacat, Schott Acting Studio, Berlin, Germany; Advanced Scene Study with Terry Schreiber / Monologue Technique with SAlly Dunn / Audition Technique with Mary Boyer / Body Dynamics with Carol, T. Schreiber Studios, NYC; Advanced Scene Study with Patrick Quagliano, Stella Adler Studios, NYC; Actor/Director Workshop with Guy Sanville / Voice & Movement with Guy Sanville, Purple Rose Theatre, Chelsea, MI; Bachelors of Arts in Theatre & Film, University of Michigan (Nineteenth Century Plays, Famous American Plays of the 1920s, Odet, Ibsen, Moliere, Shakespeare, O’Neal, Pinter, David Mamet & others); Residency in Acting & Directing, Theater 89, Berlin


T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM

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