©Emin Emrah Yerce

©Emin Emrah Yerce

©Emin Emrah Yerce

©Emin Emrah Yerce

©Emin Emrah Yerce

Nationality: German
Native Tongue: German
Languages: English (fluent, US accent), Turkish (fluent), French (basics)
Accents: West European, German, Bavarian
Age range: 35-55
Height: 178 cm
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Voice: Baritone
Voice Character: Dark/Warm/Flexible
Appearance: Athletic / Handsome/ Smart / Aristocratic
Location: Munich (Germany), Berlin (Germany), Valencia (Spain)
License: Car, Seafarer’s identity card
skills -Voice actor -Speaker a.o. for: Bavarian Radio; Radio plays and humanities programmes
Voice-Over; Sience, culture, technology and medicine
Readings / Musical Christmas readings, Moderation of the BMW-OPEN MUNICH – ATP-Tennis Tournament, Leading role in the music video „Daedalus“
horseback riding, fencing, judo, stage combat a.o.
movie | tv | theater
2023 Mute (acc to Stephen King)
Film (Short Film-Stephen King’s “Baby Dollar”-program) - directed by Pablo Knappe-Rodriguez | Monette (main role)
2022 Track in the shade
Film (Short Film) - directed by Bryan Lilya | John Carter (main role)
2022 Great Art
Film (Short Film) - directed by Nicolas Cassardt| Salvador Dali/Frank (main role)
2022 Murder Mystery
Film (Short Film) - directed by Viktoria Fendel | Prof. Janosch Kreider (main role)
2022 Hotline to nothing
Film (Short Film) - directed by Richard Frass | The gray gentleman (main role)
2021 Prisoner
Film (Short Film) - directed by Matthias May | Lothar Brenner (supporting)
2021 Afflatus
Film (Short Film) - directed by Moritz Mayer | Ian (main role)
2020 Shadow pandemic
Film (Short Film) - directed by Marius Staubach | Michael (main role)
2003 Pumuckl and the Circus Adventure
Film - directed by Peter Weissflog | Craftsman (supporting)
1995 Untouched
Film - directed by Seyhan Derin | The Brother (supporting)
2023 The Count of Monte Cristo
TV series for Rai & France Télévision - directed by Bille August | The Dressmaker (supporting)
1997 Deadly Pranks
Tv series for ZDF - directed by Heidi Ramlow | Sebastian Wenck (main role)
1996 White-blue stories - The necklace
TV series for ZDF - directed by Peter Weissflog | Hans Wiesner (supporting)
1994 White-blue stories - The Himmelmann
TV series for ZDF - directed by Helmut Förnbacher I Kaiser (main role)
1993 We are the Brandls
TV series for ZDF - directed by Werner Asam I Berti Brandl (main role)
1992 Years of travel
TV series for ProSiebenSat.1 - directed by Bernd Fischerauer | Porter (supporting)
1992 Dr. Schwarz and Dr. Martin
TV series for ARD - directed by Bernd Fischerauer | Didi (supporting)
1992 The Bull of Tölz
TV series for ProSiebenSat.1 - directed by Walter Bannert | Police Medical officer (supporting)
1991 Derrick - The festive menus of Mr. Borgelt
TV series for ZDF - directed by Alfred Weidenmann I Johannes (supporting)
1991 White-blue stories-The stars do not lie
TV series for ZDF - directed by Hans Jürgen Tögel I Erich (supporting)
1991 Monsieur X
TV series for ProSiebenSat.1 - directed by Michael Kehlmann I Police officer (supporting)
1991 The crosshead from Kirchbrunn
TV series for ZDF - directed by Sigi Rothemund I Martin Rupprecht (supporting)
1991 Café Perjury
TV series for BR - directed by Franz-Xaver Bogner I Willi Kleinschmid (supporting)
1991 Lions Den
TV series for BR - directed by Rainer Wolffhardt I Richard Obermaier (supporting)
1991 Crossing the intersection on red
TV series for ZDF - directed by Bruno Jantoss I Patrick Vensky (main role)
1990 Temptations-Abysses
TV series for ZDF - directed by Dagmar Damek I Architect (supporting)
2025 In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer (by Heinar Kipphardt)
City Theatre Aschaffenburg / Aschaffenburg - directed by Christian Suhr I Dr. Ward V. Evans
2022 Time Machine-Lost in Time (An adaptation from the film “Back To The Future”)
AIDAcosma-Cruise ship - directed by Christoph Drewitz | Captain Prof. Tempus
2021 Petrol and neurons-The Lily pod (German p. by Vince Li Cata)
Theatre via Zoom-You Tube - directed by Andy Jordan I Danny Gauche
2020 The last days of mankind (by Karl Kraus)
Remise of the Badner Bahn / Vienna - directed by Paulus Manker I Emperor Wilhelm II
2019 Christmas Eve (by Daniel Kehlmann)
Theatre Forum-TfK / Berlin - directed by Dagmar Bedbur I Thomas
2018 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (by Robert Louis Stevenson)
Guest performances Schauer / Wiesbaden - directed by Stefanie Otten | Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde
2007 Mass Servants - “Pardon, here I sleep!“ (by Frank Pinkus)
Boulevard Munster / Munster - directed by Angelika Ober I Michael Simon
2006 Divertimento Mortale (World p. by Walter Rupp)
Academic Theatre / Munich - directed by Georg Büttel I Worldly man
2000 Death on the Nile (by Agatha Christie)
Blutenburg Theatre / Munich - directed by René Siegel-Sorell I Simon Doyle
1997 Rondo Mortale (World p. by Herbert Rosendorfer)
Torturm Theatre / Sommerhausen - directed by Veit Relin I Gustav Kupetz
1994 First youth, then pleasure (by Wolfgang Spier)
Comedy at the Max II / Munich - directed by Wolfgang Spier I Dickey Reynolds
1994 The glass of water (by Eugene Scribe)
Theatre Yard / Humbach - directed by Marc Angellini I Masham
1993 Mirandolina (by Carlo Goldoni)
Open-air Theatre at the Blutenburg Castle / Munich - directed by Thomas Blubacher I Fabrizio
1992 Off to Rio, the money is in the suitcase (by Jack Sharkey)
Tour Hermes / Essen - directed by Horst Jüssen I Carlos Ortega
1991 The respectful harlot (by Jean-Paul Sartre)
Theatre in the Westermühle / Munich - directed by Thomas Blubacher I Fred
1990 Joke, satire, irony and deeper meaning (by Hans-Dietrich Grabbe)
Theatre K / Munich - directed by Alexander Tanzcick I Devil
1990 When the puppets stepped out of line (World p. by Rafik Schami)
Theatre Kanjamakan / Munich - directed by Ghassan Naasan I Prince
2023 Arabella (by Richard Strauss)
German Opera House Berlin / Berlin – directed by Tobias Kratzer I Djuras“
commercials up on request
Performing Arts Center, Munich
Susan Batson, New York
Ursula von Kalben, Munich
Martin A. Obrecht, Zurich
Werner Schröter, Berlin
Lis Verhoeven, Munich
T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM