Nationalities: German
Age range: 30-40
Height: 177 cm
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Voice: baritone
Voice Character: Natural, calm, soothing
Appearance: Athletic
Location: Berlin
Languages: English (native), German (native), French (basic), Dutch (basic)
Accents: British, RP, Northern Irish, Hochdeutsch, Berlinern
Skills: Teleprompter Reading, Photography, Editing,
License: no
movie |tv | theater
movie selection
2021 - An Unexpected Encounter
directed by Sarah Timm | Jack Fisher (lead)
2020 - Fight Like a Girl
directed by Maxime Desmartin | Tony (supporting)
2019 - Versus - Drang in die Welt
directed by Sebastian Weinmann | Amal (supporting)
2018 - Detectives, Damsels, Chances
directed by Michael Zemke | Johnny (lead)
2018 - Talk to Me
directed by Thomas André Szabo | Leon (episode lead)
2017 - Untitled
directed by Mario Propper | Nick (supporting)
2017 - Paranormal Demons
directed by David Brückner | Micheal (supporting lead)
2016 - Feliz NaviDead
directed by Sebastian Khayat | Inspector Tim {supporting)
2015 - Living Rooms
directed by Sabine Ehrl | The Naked Man (supporting)
2015 - Velvet Dreamland
directed by Joanna Nelson | Lovern (supporting)
2014 - The Golden Pendant
directed by Simon Benro | Bernard (lead)
2012 - The Girl Who Cried Wolf
directed by Sabine Ehrl | Therapist (supporting)
2008 - He Who Laughs
directed by Matthias Körber | The Clown (supporting)
tv selection
2007 Tatort - Schleichendes Gift
ARD - 1 episode - directed by Uwe Janson | Markus
theatre selection
2021 - … Platypus Theatre, Berlin
Safestay Hostel - directed by Anja Scollin | Dylan
2021 - Landesbühne Sachsen, Radebeul
Sax@Play Das Schloss - directed by Johanna Jäger | Rotpeter
2014 - … Platypus Theatre, Berlin
Top Card Camilla - directed by Anja Scollin | Lukas, Mr. Potter, Father
2011 - Theaterhaus Kreuzberg, Berlin
Geschlossene Gesellschaft - directed by Kasia Noga | Garcin
2008 - Freilichtbühne Zitadelle Berlin
Die Leichenoper - directed by Alexandra Wilke | Inspektor, Bote, Cho
T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM